
Privacy Fencing Considerations and More with Trex Fencing

Privacy Fencing from Trex Provides Multiple Benefits

Trex Privacy Fencing Offers Advantages Over Wood and Other Materials

Privacy fencing serves a particular purpose that most of us look for when considering a fence. In thinking about a property in a high visibility area, Trex privacy fencing provides several unique benefits.

A property owner whose home or building is in an urban space or close to the fence line will always have privacy concerns. Homeowners with large backyards may have security needs on top of the desire to avoid being disturbed.

With Trex’s fully private design, property owners have the peace of mind knowing that their investment will not lose its benefit over time.

Wood Fencing doesn't keep the nosy kids from looking through the fence

No Privacy with Wood

Over time, wood pickets will shrink. Even if they are installed tightly at the beginning, gaps will eventually develop which eliminate the benefit of privacy.

Wood Fencing isn’t just prone to shrinkage. It will crack and break creating even more privacy issues as well as security problems.

List of Trex Fencing Benefits

Here are some unique benefits that Trex provides, including privacy.

    1. The interlocking picket system completely blocks the view through the fence. Wood fencing is susceptible to shrinkage and can create unpleasant gaps that reduce privacy. Even a board-on-board design in wood isn’t fully private as wood pickets tend to bow or warp creating gaps as well.
    2. The fence looks the same on both sides. Most wood fences have framing on one side, but with Trex, you will see the same elegant design as the passers-by on the other side.
    3. Unlike wood fences where pickets are usually attached with nails or a significant number of screws, Trex is easy to disassemble if you need to replace some of the components. The interlocking system makes the fence secure, but if you need to take it apart, there’s no need to extract a large number of screws.
    4. Trex provides better sound suppression than wood fences. While it won’t entirely eliminate street sounds it can muffle them more effectively.
    5. Trex is much thicker than PVC vinyl. Kids kicking balls or throwing small rocks against the fence aren’t likely to break it in normal situations, whereas thinner products like vinyl fencing break more easily with similar force.
    6. Trex can be painted. For example, if graffiti has adhered and can’t be removed, you can paint over the tagged area. You can’t do that effectively with PVC vinyl or similar manufactured products.
    7. Unlike wood, Trex won’t rot, splinter, or crack.
    8. Block walls are susceptible to cracking as they settle. They also have a harsher look than a fence. If aesthetics are a big part of an owner’s decision, Trex soars past mere functionality.

Why Privacy Fencing Matters for Your Backyard

Privacy fencing for pools and hot tubs made from a Trex fence system

Not everyone has a pool or hot tub, but if you do, privacy matters. Perhaps its not just your leisure privacy that you hope to hide from the outside world. Whether its your kids, pets or even property assets, consider Trex privacy fencing for your next fence. Protect your backyard space from prying eyes.

Do you have any further questions? Feel free to contact us either by filling a form in our website or giving us a call. We also have supporting materials that can be found on our website.

The benefits of privacy fencing extend to home owners, businesses, government and educational institutions, along with the advantages of being long lasting and maintaining it’s spectacular look. Give us a call!

Even if the pickets are tight when they are first installed, wood fences will develop gaps as the pickets age because they shrink as they continue to dry out. Learn more about Trex vs wood fencing.

An old wood fence that has gaps between the pickets because the wood has shrunk with age.

The Trex Fencing interlocking picket system eliminates gaps even if the material expands and contracts in temperature fluctuations. Trex is a completely private fence.

Privacy fencing with Trex fence in front of a Trex deck with lawn chairs

Need More Information on the Benefits of Privacy Fencing from Trex?

Contact Us Today!

Are you considering Trex for your privacy fencing needs? Our Trex Fencing experts are ready to answer any questions, locate places to buy, or provide you with samples. You are welcome to fill out our Contact Us form or call 877-700-8739, M-F, 8am-5pm Mountain Time.

Privacy Fencing Considerations and More with Trex Fencing

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